Core Principles
For the GARCIA Foundation, improving the well-being of children means that underprivileged children are supported and facilitated in their development through education, good nutrition and sports. To give underprivileged children the opportunity to develop, the GARCIA Foundation uses the principle that good education and responsible basic nutrition are essential.
Training/education forms the basis for all other activities aimed at lasting improvement of well-being. The sooner you start supporting underprivileged children, the greater the chance of lasting success. That is why SGF mainly opts for projects that support children at the earliest possible age.
Good education is essential to help children move forward. Without education, many children do not have a fair chance to build a future. SGF therefore chooses to support organizations that facilitate and co-facilitate education for underprivileged children and help reduce child labor.
Nutrition + Education = foundation for well-being improvement.
SGF believes in the importance of combining good nutrition and education for underprivileged children. In this way an active contribution is made to their development. They learn to build their own independent future. This increases the chances for them to escape from underprivileged situations.
"1 child, 1 teacher, 1 book, 1 pen can change the world"
Van Hennaertweg 8
2952 CA Alblasserdam
The Netherlands
KVK-nummer: 242419630000

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