The Kusasa Project

The Kusasa Project was founded as a non-profit in 2006 by friends Dave Riordan and Doug Gurr in the Franschhoek Valley of the Cape Winelands of South Africa, to address the systemic deficiencies in the areas of literacy, nutrition and sport for disadvantaged children. One of the greatest contributors to the recurring cycle of poverty is the lack of access to consistent, high quality, early childhood education (ECE) – precisely that most critical of stages in education which has the greatest impact on future human development.

In 2010 we decided to directly address the issue of recurring poverty at its roots by the establishment of an independent primary school serving disadvantaged children: The Kusasa Academy. Today our school provides a critical educational foundation to underprivileged children of colour – girls and boys from the shacks, farms and disadvantaged communities – giving them the chance of a much brighter future.

For more details please visit The Kusasa Project:


Van Hennaertweg 8
2952 CA Alblasserdam
The Netherlands
KVK-nummer: 242419630000


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